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Thursday 28 April 2011

What is Non-Verbal Communication?

Define Non-Verbal Communication


What is Non-Verbal Communication? Or, What do you mean by Non-Verbal Communication?

Communication without using words called non-verbal communication. In this type of communication there are no use of either words or written message. Here messages conveyed through body movements, paralanguage or by facial expressions.

In the words of Thill and Bovee, “Non-Verbal communication is the process of communication without words.”
Lesikar and Pettit said that, “Non-Verbal communication means all communication that occurs without words.”

(a)       Anger sign 
(a) A pounding first on a table means anger.
(b)     OK Sign

(b) “A forefinger and a thumb touching to form a circle” means OK.
(c)      Victory Sign

(c) V = Victory sign

In short we can say in non-verbal communication we convey message through body movements, paralanguage, facial expressions and by different symbols.

Keep mind system of What do you mean by Non-Verbal Communication? Or, Define Non-Verbal Communication. Or, What is Non-Verbal Communication?
1st Part : Communication without using words ………………………………
2nd Part: Definition of Thill and Bovee , Lesikar and Pettit
3rd Part : Example
4th Part: Conclusion : in short we can say ……….


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